The Gift
I gift you the belief in yourself that you need because I BELIEVE IN YOU.
I gift you the love you lacked for most of your life because I LOVE YOU.
I gift you the hope you need, to take that next step, whatever it may be.
I gift you a smile, to lift your thoughts to a place of joy.
I gift you my hand, to show you I will never leave.
I gift you strength, for all the moments you felt too weak to go on, but you kept going.
I gift you Faith because you long to have a glimpse of light in the darkness.
May I gift you whatever your soul needs, if even just briefly until you find your way.
Understand, we all get lost; it is okay, no one is judging you. Please stop judging yourself.
We all have moments where we just needed something or someone to believe in us:
Let me gift this to you, until you realize it’s all within You.
Let me gift you the power in healing, the knowing that all you need really is within You.
You no longer need to search for that something to fill that void, you just need to love yourself through it.
We are all made up of wounds, scars, tears, and pain we think no one can understand.
I ask you embrace every part of you and begin to heal; first forgiveness of yourself, then forgiveness of who or what created that remarkable flaw, and most importantly fill it with unconditional love; golden, resilient, peaceful, and beautiful healing love.
Let me gift you the unconditional love you never knew existed; it is within You.
Let me gift you the passion for life, the hope for tomorrow.
May I remind you that You are unique, rare, beautiful, a one of a kind; a diamond, and there is only one You created exactly as You are. You are worthy of all the incredible things in life, you deserve it all.
You love harder for all the love you longed for, you let others walk all over you because you want to be accepted, you beat yourself up with your words because you are your biggest critic, you carry burdens that aren’t even yours, you try to fit into a box because others told you too, STOP!
May I gift you the knowing that YOU are absolutely perfect as You are, and you are loved unconditionally no matter what. That you don’t need to fit into a box, in fact I dare you to NOT, and your words should be loving to yourself, most importantly.
Those burdens, they were never yours to carry, let them go, and realize you get this one life, and you deserve to live it as your heart desires.
I gift you whatever your soul needs because I know you will find your way.
Until then,
I gift you the belief in yourself that you need because I BELIEVE IN YOU.
I gift you the love you lacked for most of your life because I LOVE YOU. ©